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Frequently asked questions and answers.

Updated over a year ago

1. Do I need to add a payment method to sign up to Empuls?

No. Prospects can sign up for a 30 day free trial of Empuls without adding any payment methods.

2. How to subscribe to Empuls once the free trial is over?

Once the free trial is over, you can subscribe to Empuls by adding your billing details and making a payment through debit/credit card under 'Billing and Subscription'.

3. Does Empuls have a mobile application?

Yes. You can download the Empuls android app from Google Play Store or the iOS App from Apple App Store. Or simply scan the below QR code from your mobile camera.

Scan the QR Code

4. Can I change the subdomain name after creating my account?

No. Subdomain names, once created, can not be changed later. Subdomains define the unique URL that your organization would use to log into Empuls, so it is recommended to choose one wisely.

5. How do I set the default time zone in my Empuls account?

Empuls automatically sets the time zone for your organization account based on the company address under 'Business Information'. Admins can change this information at their convenience.

6. How do I customize the branding of my Empuls account?

As Admin, you can customize your organization's Empuls account's branding under 'Branding and Customization'.

7. What are the integrations available with Empuls app?

Empuls offers 3 types of integrations:

  1. Single Sign-On: Integration with your org's identity provider to enable your user's single sign-on capability.

  2. HR Management System: Integration with your org's HRMS to automate user account creation/deletion.

  3. Collaboration Tools: Integration with your org's Slack, MS Teams and Workplace account to enable your users' rewards and recognition capability directly from the collaboration tool.

8. What is the value of 1 point on Empuls?

The admin can define the value and the base currency of points after signing up to Empuls. The value of 1 point, once defined, can not be changed later.

9. When do I have to pay for the points awarded/gifted to employees?

Admins are required to recharge their org's Empuls wallet to make sure their employees can redeem the points awarded/gifted to them. You pay only for the points redeemed by your employees.

10. How do I recharge my organization's Empuls wallet?

As Admin, you can recharge your organization's Empuls wallet under 'Manage Org.

Budgets --> Add Reserves'.

11. What are the accepted payment methods?

The payment methods supported are Net Banking and Credit/Debit Cards. You can instantly download a Proforma invoice before making the payment as part of the payments workflow.

12. What happens to unused reward points if a user account is disabled?

Once a user is disabled, all the pending rewarded points will be frozen until they are enabled.

13. I am not able to see all the posts in Townhall group.

Change the filter to All Conversation from Relevant to me.

14. Can others see or access my budget?

No, the budget shared with you is personal to you. Only the budget owner and you will know how much of the budget has been allocated to you.

15. I am unable to find the Empuls app in the Teams app store. What should I do?

This happens if your MS Teams administrator has blocked users from accessing public (Third-party) apps from the Teams store for security & compliance reasons.

Teams administrator will have to allow the “Empuls” app for the users to access it.

16. Do users get reminded about redeemable points available with them?

Yes, once every 15 days, users are reminded of their redeemable points.

17. Do reward points expire?

No, the reward points do not expire on Empuls unless configured otherwise on request by the customer organization.

18. What happens to unused points once the employee leaves the organization?

If any points are left unused in an employee's account, they remain in the account and can not be redeemed by the deactivated employee.

19. Can employees share reward points with each other?

No. An employee cannot share their reward points with another employee.

20. How is the redemptions catalog connected with Empuls?

Every Empuls purchase includes access to Empuls's online catalog for redemptions. This is done as third-party integration.

21. I did not receive the password reset email/verification code email. What should I do?

It generally takes about 2-3 mins to receive a reset password link. If you did not receive an email with a link, click on the 'Reset Password' again.

22. I don't want Gif images to appear in my account?

The Gif images are external images fetched through integration with Giphy. It can be made inaccessible by removing the integration with Giphy. This option is available to Super Admin in integrations under Platform Settings Menu.

23. I am unable to see Gif images / Gif images are not loading?

This can happen due to the blocking of Gif images by the server at your organization.

Please ask your system administrator to whitelist the below URL to resolve this issue:

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