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Managing Employee Exit

Configure the rules for treating the unused budget point(s) left in the account of exit employees.

Updated over a month ago

When an employee exits the organization, it's important to configure how unused budget points in their account will be treated. This ensures that points are properly managed and either transferred, deleted, or disabled based on your company's policies.

To configure these rules, navigate to Admin > User Access Settings > Manage Employee Exits and set your preferred treatment for the unused points in the exited employee’s account.

Recover / Reassign Budgets

  1. Manage Budget Points with Custom Budget Co-Owners

The points can be transferred to a third party or returned to the budget owner by default.

  • Click on "Configure Now" to modify or delete.

  • Choose the desired option.

  • Click Save to confirm your changes.

Budget Points with custom budget co-owners

2. Manage Custom Budget for Exited Employees

  • Click on "Configure Now" next to the coin(s) with the exited employee's custom budget.

  • Choose an option:

    • Delete the points.

    • Transfer ownership and coin(s) to someone else.

  • Click Save to confirm the action.

Custom Budgets for Exited Employees

Transfer ownership of coins

Delete budget

3. Manage Points Under Exited Employee's Personal Budget

  • Click Edit under the Personal Budget.

  • Choose one of the options:

    • Transfer points to another employee (select an employee name).

    • Destroy points.

    • Click Save to confirm.

If no employee is selected, points will automatically go to the Super Admins.

You can also disable the points by selecting "Disable points" under the personal budget option.

Manage Reward Coin(s)

Reward coins that are allocated to employees can be managed in two ways when an employee exits the organization. These coins can either be:

  • Transferred to the personal email ID of the exited employee.

  • Retained in an unredeemed state or destroyed.

Follow the steps below to manage reward coin(s) for exited employees:

Step 1: Under the Manage Reward Coin(s) card, click on Edit.

Step 2: Select Your Preferred Option

Choose how you want to handle the reward coin(s) of the exited employee:

  • Transfer Points to Exited Employee's Personal Email ID

This option ensures that the reward coins are transferred to the employee's personal email address for redemption.

  • Destroy Reward Coin(s)

Use this option if you prefer to invalidate the unredeemed coins and remove them permanently.

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