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Rewards Automations

Set up automated greetings, awards, and budgets in a few seamless steps

Updated over a year ago

Automated Communication

Set up automated workflows to send greeting and wishes for events and occasions like welcoming a new teammate, celebrating birthdays, festivals, and holidays, or acknowledging work anniversaries and long-service awards.

Birthdays and work anniversary greetings will be automated instantly when the employee data (DOB and DOJ) is added to Empuls.

Create a new automated communication

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > Rewards & Recognition Settings > Automations > Automated Communication > Create New Automated Communication

2. You’ll be redirected to a form to help you with a seamless setup; click on Let’s Begin to continue.

3. Select the event you wish to automate

4. Click Continue to fill in the communication details, such as the greeting name, description, and points assigned, if any. You can also choose the stakeholders you wish to inform of this greeting.

5.Next, schedule the greetings and points (optional) that are to be sent out. You can choose to add reward points or add products from the store.

6. Configure the greeting message being sent to the recipient. You can customise your greeting or use the pre-populated message.

7. In the last step, define the recipients of this automated greeting. Review your settings before you confirm and create your communication.

Additional Settings

You can find the list of existing automated communication under Admin Settings > Rewards & Recognition Settings > Automations > Automated Communication. Click on a particular card to edit/delete or disable the gift or communication.

Automated Budgets

Automate your budget distribution workflows and rules on Empuls for a smooth award-giving experience.

Create a new automated budget

  1. Navigate to Admin Settings > Reward and Recognition Settings > Automations > Automated Budgets > Create New Automated Budget.

  2. Next, click on Let’s Begin to create your budget.

  3. Enter the budget name and description, and link the awards for which this budget will be used.

  4. Define whom you wish to share the budget with and the cadence and frequency at which this budget will be distributed. Click Continue.

  5. Finally, set the number of points to be distributed during each run to keep track of the points spent each month. You can also choose to recover unused points allocated in the previous run.

  6. Review the settings. Click Confirm and Create to successfully automate a budget.

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