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Employee Profile

Learn how to update your profile information.

Updated this week

Create Empuls profile to make it easy for your teammates to discover your interests and achievements

Your profile is a quick way for colleagues to learn more about you, including your skills, interests, hobbies, awards, and past accomplishments. Keeping your profile updated helps strengthen team bonds by identifying each other's strengths.

Editing and updating your profile:

Step 1: Click on your profile picture at the bottom right corner, and click on My Profile in the modal that opens up.

My Profile

Step 2: Click on Edit to add or edit your profile picture.

Edit the Profile Picture

Step 3: You may also add your social media and blog handles so that your teammates can find you easily on other websites.

Step 4: Add or edit the About section. This is your brief introduction, which helps your teammates know you better.

About Me

Step 5: You may change the visibility of your personal information, such as your Birthday, Date of Joining and Contact. You can hide clicking on the Privacy Settings on the top right. Choose the desired setting and click Submit.

Hide/Show your Personal Information

Step 6: You can Add or edit the languages you speak, your skills and hobbies.

Update Languages, Skills and Hobbies

Viewing Recognition in Empuls

Empuls allows employees to view all their past recognitions in one place, including birthday wishes, long service awards, and yearbook entries.

How to View Past Recognitions

Scroll down the Profile page to see all the recognitions you’ve received. View wishes for birthdays, work anniversaries, and other milestones

You can also view you employee Yearbook here. For more on this: For more information, refer to: Employee Anniversary Yearbook.

Migrating Past Recognitions

If you’re new to Empuls, you don’t have to lose recognitions received on other platforms. Your past recognitions can be migrated to Empuls and will be available under the My Profile section.

Need Assistance?

Connect with your HR team for more details on recognition migration.

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