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Review and Approve Award Nominations

Review and approve award nominations.

Updated over 9 months ago

Take action on award nominations submitted for your review. You will receive approval requests for awards where the admin has designated you as the approver.

This article guides how managers and senior leaders can approve an award nomination that carries monetary value.

How do you view and approve pending award nominations?

Step 1: View Nominations

  1. To view all nominations pending, approved, or rejected, click on Recognition on the left menu. Under Rewards & Recognize, click on My Recognition.

View pending nominations

View pending nominations

2. This dashboard allows admins and managers to view all nomination requests sent to them. They can filter nominations by Recipient Name, Award Level, Nomination Status, and Date Requested.

View pending nominations

View pending nominations

Step 2: Check Nomination Status

  1. All pending nominations will show the status “Take Action”.

Approve/reject nominations

2. All nominations already approved by the manager but require a second-level approval show the status Awaiting Review. Others show Approved or Declined based on the final status.

Approve/reject nominations

Step 3: Take Action on a Nomination

  1. To approve or decline a nomination, click on Take Action.

2. Nomination submission shows the details of the Award or Core Value demonstrated and the reason provided by the nominator. This allows managers or admins to either approve or decline the nomination.

Approve/reject nominations

3. The manager or admin must mention the reason for their approval or rejection. Once approved, the request goes for a second round of approval, which follows a similar flow.

Reason for approval/rejection of nomination

Step 4: Second Round of Approval

After the initial approval, the request goes through a second round of approval and follows a similar process as outlined above.

Reason for approval/rejection of nomination

Step 5: Select Budget

The final approver then selects the budget from where the reward points are given.

Select budget

Step 6: Edit Citation

The nominator can edit the citation in an approval-based award only if the first level of approver has not yet approved it.

Step 7: Raise a request to Revoke Award.

Nominators or approvers can request awards for revoking. If there are multiple approvers, the final approver can ask the previous approver to complete the approval process.

The Super Admin from the Revoke award & Gifts option can control the revoking process.

Revoke award

Step 8: Notification and Points

Once the award is approved, the system notifies the nominator and nominee and adds reward points to the nominee's account.

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